Saturday, 31 December 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Negligence
Michael asks…insurance claim question?about two years ago a girl i knew went to the dentist and had some type of root canal treatment. whilst drilling this girl said it was very painful and by the time she was leaving the surgery the side of her face had started to swell up. she took some photos of it when she got home and by that time it looked like she had half a tennis ball in the side of her mouth. i remember seeing this and we contact the dentist who said things like that can
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury In Car Accident
Charles asks…can i claim for loss of earnings and injury?ive had a very bad incident with my ex boyfriend and it is a very long story but the police are involved. he has a drink problem and decided to pull the handbrake on my car when i was driving 70mph and my car is a write off. the insurance has settled the price of the car but with there being no other car involved i can not claim for personal injury off them. this happened a 2 weeks ago today. i have been off work and i have been
Friday, 30 December 2011
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Ken asks…Why Was This Failed Asylum Seeker Who Killed 12-Year-Old Girl Wins Court Bid Allowed To Stay In Britain?An asylum seeker who ran over a girl of 12 and left her to die has won his appeal to stay in the UK after arguing for his right to a family life.
Aso Mohammed Ibrahim, 32, was banned from driving and awaiting deportation when he ran away with Amy Houston trapped under the wheels of his car.
But the Iraqi Kurd, who was jailed for four months, used the European Human Rights Act
Aso Mohammed Ibrahim, 32, was banned from driving and awaiting deportation when he ran away with Amy Houston trapped under the wheels of his car.
But the Iraqi Kurd, who was jailed for four months, used the European Human Rights Act
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Form
Sandra asks…Does this release form make sence? Is it legal and will it pass in court?Can you read over this Model Release Form and let me know if it doesnt make sence, if something is repeated, and/or if it will pass in court?
Please and thank you
God bless
Model Release Form
For valuable consideration received, I hereby grant _________________________, his or her legal representatives and assigns, and those acting with his/her authority and permission:
The irrevocable and
Please and thank you
God bless
Model Release Form
For valuable consideration received, I hereby grant _________________________, his or her legal representatives and assigns, and those acting with his/her authority and permission:
The irrevocable and
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Car Accident
John asks…Auto Accident Personal Injury Claim Help?So, I was driving home, when a girl came speeding around the corner in my apartment complex on the wrong side of the road. Long story short, it got ruled 100% her fault. Now I ended up doing 6 months of chiropractic visits and 2 months of physical therapy. I don't feel different and I am going to have permanant back and neck damage (not severe just not comfortable to be on my feet a long time, sleep, or do strenuous activities, I'm a Chef).
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
Donna asks…legal question about estate for wrongful deathof daughter?We settle out of court for my daughter's estate (Indiana) We were only awarded her funeral costs and layers fees($17000). We let them make payments to us in what they wanted it to offer. It has gone through the courts. Now we get a legal bill after everything for the lawyer trying to collect the money and put a process to collect on them for $860 and maybe more. since this is a seperate issue, can we take them to small
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Expenses
Robert asks…What can and cannot be claimed as work expenses on tax form?I’ve had friends do this, but I’m not sure the specifics... I’m starting a new position at the job I’m at that deals more with multimedia. However, the company doesn’t have all the equipment I need, so I’ll have to buy some. (I took this position knowing that, not like I got screwed over or anything). So I’m wondering if I can claim some items I buy on my tax return. I’m probably going to buy a high
Your Questions About Insurance Claim For Personal Injury
Charles asks…Car Insurance increased? what to do next?My car insurance company had increase my insurance by 2 folds (103%) increase. I contacted the company, enquired about this increase. But they said they cant do anything about it, If I want I can raise this with the customer service chief and chief executive. I wrote them a letter stating it was ridiculous amount of money, they asking me to pay. Also clearly brought to their notice, that I have a clean history, no claim, paid insurance on
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
David asks…Calling all UK Driving Instructors!!!....?How much...roughly, am I likely to pay for Instructors car insurance in my first year?
I am probably not going to become a PDI, so will be an ADI when I wish to insure, I'm considering a Peugeot 207 1.4 Hdi on a 58 plate.
I have been driving for 7 years and currently have 4 years no claims, no convictions/points and no accidents, all of which are on private vehicle.
I know no one can give an exact amount, but I'm looking for an estimated
I am probably not going to become a PDI, so will be an ADI when I wish to insure, I'm considering a Peugeot 207 1.4 Hdi on a 58 plate.
I have been driving for 7 years and currently have 4 years no claims, no convictions/points and no accidents, all of which are on private vehicle.
I know no one can give an exact amount, but I'm looking for an estimated
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim
John asks…Is it possible to make a personal injury claim for minor injuries such as bruising and neck pain?I was involved in a road traffic accident and the other party has admitted full liability as the driver and me as the pedestrian. Although my injuries were minor and I was fully recovered after 1 week, I wonder am I entitled to any compensation for the pain caused?admin answers:You need to have suffered some kind of loss or trauma and I think what you describe is too minor. However as
Monday, 26 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Letter
Mandy asks…SUED almost TWO years after car accident?! HELP!?Hi,
I was involved in an accident almost two years ago (June 2007) in Oregon. Due to my brakes jamming up, I rear-ended the car in front of me, but my insurance company said since it is rear-end accident, I am 100% at fault. My car had bent hood, I was the only person in my car. The car in front of me had 3 people including the driver, and just a cracked license plate. No police came, no citations were given. The car in front me
I was involved in an accident almost two years ago (June 2007) in Oregon. Due to my brakes jamming up, I rear-ended the car in front of me, but my insurance company said since it is rear-end accident, I am 100% at fault. My car had bent hood, I was the only person in my car. The car in front of me had 3 people including the driver, and just a cracked license plate. No police came, no citations were given. The car in front me
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
Mark asks…Can you help me on research of a company>?The companies called Cartel and its basically this, if a loan, c/card or mortgage was taken out before 1/4/07 most if not all contracts signed where mis-represented and Cartel claim they can either wipe the loan claim or claims for costs - its £495 and I wondered if anyone has had any experience about this ir is it just a scam, its no win no fee policy but says it takes up to 12 months to complete.
I dont need to find a company but
I dont need to find a company but
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation
Paul asks…can i claim compensation for a gas leak?i have lived in my property since October 2009 and the council were supposed to come out and commission my gas meter and boiler. however they have only just come out today and still cannot turn my gas on as there is a leaking gas pipe some where in my property. As i have been living in this property since October with this leaking gas pipe and i am a smoker.... anything could have happened, i am unsure weather i can claim compensation and
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury In Car Accident
Maria asks…Was in a car accident in April last year how much do you think i will get? ?Was in a car accident last year April claim still hasnt come through just wondering has anyone had same injuries and what they think i might get? I was stationary when a guy didnt see me stop he was on phone and he run straight into back of me bout 50mph. I had 4 kids in car i was driving, in medical report it said i had whiplash and i had bruised rotary cuff muscles in my shoulder and a sprained wrist. it
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Donna asks…UK Mortgage Protection - is it worth it?I'm looking into mortgage payment protection insurance for my UK home. My mortgage costs £1200 per month so if I was to become unemployed, I would be in deep deep trouble. I have looked into various companies offering UK mortgage protection insurance but I am not sure if this is going to work if I am self employed. Obviously I am not going to make myself redundant, but if I was unable to work because of an accident or illness, it would be
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Settlement
Mary asks…How likely is it that a Personal Injury Claim will be settled out of court?I had a nasty non fault RTA in May 2009. I sustained many injuries incuding a brain injury. I consulted a solicitor straight away who has been great. From what I can gather, this won't be settled until I have been reassessed in a year or so AT LEAST. How would I push for an out of court settlement? They've already admitted liability and Court Proceedings have been issued by my solicitor.
I am currently
I am currently
Friday, 23 December 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
Mary asks…Is it a good idea to use one of these?"no win, no fee" companies when claiming back bank charges. I am not very well up on legal stuff and wouldnt really know what to do when it gets to that point?
I bank with LloydsTSB anyone reclaimed from them?admin answers:Have a look at:
It has lots of helpful suggestions.Linda asks…Do I have a shot of winning in Small Claims Court against my roomate?!?My "friend" and I moved in to a
I bank with LloydsTSB anyone reclaimed from them?admin answers:Have a look at:
It has lots of helpful suggestions.Linda asks…Do I have a shot of winning in Small Claims Court against my roomate?!?My "friend" and I moved in to a
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Accident
Helen asks…can i claim compensation for injury's from a van accident that was my fault?admin answers:If it happened while you were driving a company vehicle, you can claim workers' comp. It's a no fault system. If you were driving your own van, on a work errand, then you may be able to collect workers' comp, also.
If you were driving your own car and it was your fault, the only insurance you "may" be able to collect would depend on what your insurance policy covers, for you.Donna asks…I'm
If you were driving your own car and it was your fault, the only insurance you "may" be able to collect would depend on what your insurance policy covers, for you.Donna asks…I'm
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Your Questions About Insurance Claim For Personal Injury
Charles asks…I'm being Sued and My Insurance company won't represent me !?2 1/2 years ago I had a bumper to bumper with another car and we both left the seen without a police report and there were no injures.So I never reported the accident to my insurance company.. Now 2008 I got a motion to appear in Supreme court that I'm being sued by the person that I had the accident with. He is claiming personal injury. I called the insurance company to tell them the situation and they claim that being
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Donald asks…which is the best UK accident compensation company?I need to make a claim and i cancelled a claim before with A advice helpline as they were sneaky and planned to take a 3rd of the compensation. Does anyone know of a company that takes their fees from the othersides insurance so i can keep 100% compensation.
thank youadmin answers:I'd like to know the same. Sorry I cant helpSusan asks…About HMCS (UK) Small claims bungling administration?Example:Consider a court making it
thank youadmin answers:I'd like to know the same. Sorry I cant helpSusan asks…About HMCS (UK) Small claims bungling administration?Example:Consider a court making it
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Mandy asks…Florida Personal Injury Lawyer. Florida Personal Injury Attorney. Who do you recommend in Miami or Florida?admin answers:I reccommend Florida Personal Injury Lawyer Justin Ziegler. His website is He just got alot of money for my husband who was injured in a car accident. His telephone number is (800) 955-5085. He is a member of the Florida Bar. I know that he has represented other injured people who live in other states.Betty asks…I need advice
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Advice
Lizzie asks…Any one help with advice on unemployment appeals in NJ?My husband had to leave his job in NJ and relocate the whole family down to FL as his mother is very sick. He'd worked for this company for 12 years and has paid into NJ for 28 years never once claiming unemployment needless to say he has been denied benefit's the explanation being "although reason's are valid personal reason's are not good cause to quit your job" YOUR DENIED. And to add insult to injury they paid two weeks
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
Paul asks…Did my ex-lawyer defraud me??Few months ago, I was involved in an accident. My car was struck & totalled and I was slightly injured but not seriously.
I found a lawyer in the Yellow Pages who agreed to take my case on contingency. He said "No fees, if we don't win."
He proceeded to set me up with a chiropractor for my injuries which did help with the pain.
Well, few months later, my lawyer decides to drop my case because the other party's insurance denied our claim.
Now the
I found a lawyer in the Yellow Pages who agreed to take my case on contingency. He said "No fees, if we don't win."
He proceeded to set me up with a chiropractor for my injuries which did help with the pain.
Well, few months later, my lawyer decides to drop my case because the other party's insurance denied our claim.
Now the
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Letter
William asks…I would like to to know if I can claim any compensation from Home Office for losing my papers and my passport?Hi, I am Russian nationality studing in London. Last year March I sent my documents of to Home Office to extend my visa, 6 month later I still hadn't receive anything back.I called them to find out about my case and they told me that they have my papers 2 weeks ago. The period when they have send it happened to be Royal Mail strike.So I waited my papers another month but
Monday, 19 December 2011
Your Questions About How To Make A Claim For Personal Injury
Linda asks…Why do companies get away with this kind of crap?While the national headlines focus on efforts across the country to force Wal-Mart to pay more for its workers’ health insurance, an obscure story in Missouri reveals just how “sick” Wal-Mart’s health care policies can be. The story involves a former Wal-Mart worker who received some medical care benefits from Wal-Mart, but now the retailer, which made $10 billion in profits last year, is suing the disabled worker to get the
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Joseph asks…insurance company's ripping us off in UK?my car was stolen and involved in an accident ,they got the youth who stole it,but the man he hit claimed £7,000 off my insurance and now iv lost my no claims bonus surely thats not right is it?
by the way they did this without me knowing untill i went to renew my policyadmin answers:If the insurance company did not pay for any repairs to your vehicle then they should have allowed the no-claims bonus as you did not make a claim on the
by the way they did this without me knowing untill i went to renew my policyadmin answers:If the insurance company did not pay for any repairs to your vehicle then they should have allowed the no-claims bonus as you did not make a claim on the
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Thomas asks…can i speak to a personal injury lawyer?admin answers:Sure... If you both speak the same language.Joseph asks…Does anyone know a good personal injury lawyer in DC Metro area preferrably near Silver Spring, MD?admin answers:Http:// will help you locate personal injury attorneys in Silver Spring, MD.
Http:// gives you the Montgomery County Bar Association where there could be references to other personal injury attorneys. Good luck.William
Http:// gives you the Montgomery County Bar Association where there could be references to other personal injury attorneys. Good luck.William
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Advice
Steven asks…help!!! he crashed in to me....?last week a stupid little boy crashed full on into my drivers side. he came straight out a junction and his windows were still fogged up so he never even saw me! anyway, after the police and ambulance arrive i ended up in hospital
got xrays and no broken bones however i have very stiff neck - whiplash? muscle damage to my shoulder, sprained wrist and really sore hip. all down my right side basically. when i was at work today i could hardly work -
got xrays and no broken bones however i have very stiff neck - whiplash? muscle damage to my shoulder, sprained wrist and really sore hip. all down my right side basically. when i was at work today i could hardly work -
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
Charles asks…is all this real or fraudulantN????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?is all this real or fraudulantN????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nationwide Bank Of England
1 Kings Park Road, Moulton Park,
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Attn: Amara Abdelmalek
We are in receipt of your mail and content well noted, however we congratulate you on being one of the very lucky winner of the CAMLOT GROUPS LOTTERY PROMOTION. As we
Nationwide Bank Of England
1 Kings Park Road, Moulton Park,
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London, England
Attn: Amara Abdelmalek
We are in receipt of your mail and content well noted, however we congratulate you on being one of the very lucky winner of the CAMLOT GROUPS LOTTERY PROMOTION. As we
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Negligence
Steven asks…Grievance A bank offered me an unsolicited loan of RS. 1.30 Lakhs and sent the amount through DD?By virtue of my holding a Credit Card, I was offered a loan of RS. 1.30 Lkahs on phone which I declined. This was in the year 2007. The bank sent me the draft which I returned to them by mistake by Ordinary Post. Next month onwards, bank started me debiting me money and started harassing me on phone for payment. I explained that I had not availed the facility and that the Draft was
Friday, 16 December 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury
Mark asks…Personal Injury Claim?I have just been awarded damages in a claim for personal injury by a court. How long will it take the insurance company to pay out.admin answers:Was the claim made through a union, if so the money passes to the union solicitors who deduct any unpaid dues, then cheque is passed on about 3-4 weeks.Betty asks…I have a personal injury claim And the attorney that I hired just withdrew from my case.?The accident was major and the insurance has given me a low ball
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Mary asks…Does anyone know the best/cheapest uk car insurance provider after an accident?I have been driving for 17 years, have no points or bans etc and have 9+ years no claims bonus. For the past 4 years i have driven a 1990 honda prelude that i loved, it was broken into last year, and a few weeks ago got wrote off (insistent it was my fault grrr). My insurance has gone from £25 per month to £50 per month for moving house and now for exactly the same model of car they want to put it up to
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Betty asks…Personal Injury lawyer question?I was injured in a car accident( no fault of my own) and am considering talking to a lawyer.
please give adviceadmin answers:What are your injuries and financial losses?Sandra asks…How would I find the Lawyer that handled a personal injury case for me in 1978?I received a broken jaw from the accident and was a minor so the case was never closed I am 44 yrs. of age now and I'm having problems from this how would I find The lawyer that handled my
please give adviceadmin answers:What are your injuries and financial losses?Sandra asks…How would I find the Lawyer that handled a personal injury case for me in 1978?I received a broken jaw from the accident and was a minor so the case was never closed I am 44 yrs. of age now and I'm having problems from this how would I find The lawyer that handled my
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Settlement
Chris asks…Car Accident.Whats my personal injury claim worth?I was involed in a car accident on the freeway where i was at a stop in traffic and was hit from behind hard. My BMW was totalled and my medical bills came to $1,700 ( mainly Chiro ) Rental car bill came to $800. Im trying to figure out what is a good settlement. The adjust of the person at fault offered me a rediculous amount of $3,300. Any advice?
Thnxadmin answers:Personal injury entitles you to your medical fees, pain and
Thnxadmin answers:Personal injury entitles you to your medical fees, pain and
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
Lizzie asks…Which do you detest more...?The no-win-no-fee accident claims company adverts,
The its-so-easy you'll-forget-you're-nearly-bankrupt debt management company adverts.admin answers:With so many of both around I think I've become desensitised to them. I hardly hear or see them any more!Susan asks…I have just had 2 long distance flights on a Boeing 777. Now I have bad tinitis, it's a noisy plane ....?.... in some seats. Going there was fine, coming back was hell. Is there a
The its-so-easy you'll-forget-you're-nearly-bankrupt debt management company adverts.admin answers:With so many of both around I think I've become desensitised to them. I hardly hear or see them any more!Susan asks…I have just had 2 long distance flights on a Boeing 777. Now I have bad tinitis, it's a noisy plane ....?.... in some seats. Going there was fine, coming back was hell. Is there a
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Form
Steven asks…question about the worker compensation, please help. thanks?my company has worker compensation insurance, after we reported the worker's injury to our worker comp insurer, we received a health insurance claim form from preferred treatment provider. My HR boss told me to proceed to pay for that charge, it was not big, it was just the small amout of the i was wondering why we have to pay instead of the insurance company.. could you help?admin answers:When you say "why we
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury Against Me
Donna asks…Jury Summons Tomorrow?I have to show up tomorrow for jury summons and was curious my chances of not being chosen. I'll serve sometime if they want but now is really not a good time. I am a student online (so still technically not an excuse to get out of it), just found out i'm pregnant a week ago and am taking a trip from here in florida, all the way up to Indiana where ALL my family is to annouce the good news at Christmas. On the small questionaire I said YES to 'has you or
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Thomas asks…When is it too late to make a car insurance claim?About 3-4 months ago I was parked in a supermarket car park. My mum, opened the passenger door where the wind blew and hit the car next to us. Upon packing the car, the passenger in the alleged 'chip' car stated that their car was damaged- the damage was barely even visible- something you would expect as a driver to occur. I even questioned whether that 'damage' was the fault of ours because the car was that battered. Anyway, 3
Monday, 12 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Michael asks…looking for personal injury lawyer in new jersey??or name of accident lawyers advertised on tv?admin answers:Karim Arzati in Perth Amboy, NJ- he's a real sharkHelen asks…please i would like to talk to a personal injury lawyer. please?admin answers:I think you've posted this in the wrong place!Richard asks…Any opinions on personal injury lawyer in Pasadena, CA?I am looking at how much it cost and if the lawyer followed up and if their is any lawyers that could be
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim
Sandra asks…What are the rules of subrogation in a personal injury claim?Does the money come from my portion of the settlement? Is it dollar for dollar? How do they find out you received a settlement? What happens if you don't pay them?admin answers:Subrogation doesn't affect or come out of your settlement amount. Subrogation is the right of the insurance company that paid you to sue somebody else to recover what they paid you. Once you accept payment and sign a release from further
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
James asks…what is a ccj?i see it in adverts..... ccjs credit win no fee claim.......admin answers:Http:// asks…No win, no fee accident cases?can anyone advise me on how to go about a injury claim from a previous employer (accident at work)
Phoned national accident helpline, who said they could help, then they changed their minds, and put the case on to a solicitor, but I'm not happy with the wording in the paperwork so have not signed anythingadmin
Phoned national accident helpline, who said they could help, then they changed their minds, and put the case on to a solicitor, but I'm not happy with the wording in the paperwork so have not signed anythingadmin
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Accident
James asks…Lawyers opinion hopefully, for compensation claim.?How much would you roughly estimate that I am entitled to for this compensation claim:
A car accident had left me with spinal injuries for 14 months now, Doctor said I have crushed two vertebrates on my spin, Can't work- and Doctors opinion is that I wont be able to work for another 2 years.
What would you estimate for this, in compensation.
I've had an offer but I'm just wanting estimates
Maybe an opinion from a lawyer?admin
A car accident had left me with spinal injuries for 14 months now, Doctor said I have crushed two vertebrates on my spin, Can't work- and Doctors opinion is that I wont be able to work for another 2 years.
What would you estimate for this, in compensation.
I've had an offer but I'm just wanting estimates
Maybe an opinion from a lawyer?admin
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Your Questions About How To Make A Claim For Personal Injury
Laura asks…For US Military Veterans who have used the VA medical system. . . .?How many of you have found your active duty medical records "sanitized" when you try to get treatment for duty related injuries or illnesses?
I know that when I went for treatment for a service connected disability the VA claimed they could not find any records concerning the original injury. They were surprised and ANGRY when I pulled out my personal copies (which I made just prior to my discharge from active
I know that when I went for treatment for a service connected disability the VA claimed they could not find any records concerning the original injury. They were surprised and ANGRY when I pulled out my personal copies (which I made just prior to my discharge from active
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Steven asks…Why do liberals claim wind power is safe, when 52 workers and 21 civilians have died with wind power?
52 were wind industry and direct support workers (maintenance/engineers, etc), or small
turbine owner /operators.
• 21 were public fatalities, including workers not directly dependent on the wind industry (e.g.
transport workers).admin answers:Tree huggers have tried to ban them because they are killing birds. They won't be happy
52 were wind industry and direct support workers (maintenance/engineers, etc), or small
turbine owner /operators.
• 21 were public fatalities, including workers not directly dependent on the wind industry (e.g.
transport workers).admin answers:Tree huggers have tried to ban them because they are killing birds. They won't be happy
Friday, 9 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Ken asks…i need to know how many years are need in college before becoming a personal injury lawyer?Does any one know?admin answers:Four years in college.
Three more in law school.
You have to pass an in depth character-and-fitness investigation
You have to pass the bar exam (two or three day test depending upon state)
You have to pass an ethics exam.
These are the basic requirements.Mark asks…going thru personal injury case.if lawyer taking too long can someone take over?daughter
Three more in law school.
You have to pass an in depth character-and-fitness investigation
You have to pass the bar exam (two or three day test depending upon state)
You have to pass an ethics exam.
These are the basic requirements.Mark asks…going thru personal injury case.if lawyer taking too long can someone take over?daughter
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Letter
Helen asks…Can I Switch Attorneys in the Middle Of a Personal Injury Case?So I was in a car accident in 4/08 while I was 8 months pregnant. T-boned by a lady who admitted on the scene that it was her fault. She wasnt arrested but admitted to driving while taking a prescription drug that impairs her. Well my mother in law got her attorney involved and he doesnt seem to know what hes doing.
Its over a year later and we have had to to EVERYTHING ourselves; get all the doctors records and bills
Its over a year later and we have had to to EVERYTHING ourselves; get all the doctors records and bills
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
Steven asks…I receive scam yahoo lottery promotion as yahoo,japan with Usd 1,000,000.00 claimable in Bangkok,it's scams!On Mac 6, i received email from Yahoo.Lottery claiming that 25 people worldwide each get USD1.0M prize,and Prizes are claimed in Thailand Bangkok Siam City Bank, after filling the application to the bank and paying delivery + insurance fee of USD550, they perportedy sent me the winning cheque yesterday and later on email me the Drugs and Anti-Terrolism team in Bangkok stop
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Texas
Nancy asks…Why wasn't this article Headline News? John McCain Enters the Autism Wars February 29, 2008?John McCain Enters the Autism Wars
February 29, 2008 7:11 PM
At a town hall meeting Friday in Texas, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., declared that "there’s strong evidence" that thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that was once in many childhood vaccines, is responsible for the increased diagnoses of autism in the U.S. -- a position in stark contrast with the view of the medical
February 29, 2008 7:11 PM
At a town hall meeting Friday in Texas, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., declared that "there’s strong evidence" that thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative that was once in many childhood vaccines, is responsible for the increased diagnoses of autism in the U.S. -- a position in stark contrast with the view of the medical
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Your Questions About Insurance Claim For Personal Injury
Joseph asks…Should I Close Out a Personal Injury Case with Marriott Liability Insurance or should I be claiming more?Last year my mom slipped on black ice and did a free fall on her back in a Marriott parking lot, while she was staying there for business. As a result she was taken to the emergency room. Since she was there on business her employer's workers compensation kicked in and has covered all medical bills, physical therapy costs, etc. A year later her back is still giving her pain, 2
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Sharon asks…Do I need to declare a car accident that happened on a Provisional Licence and learner insurance in the futur?I had an incident in another family members car with my leaner insurance and L plates all in tact and legal. I need to know if I need to declare this incident in the future when I have a full driving licence, my own car and will need my own insurance. If this must be declared, in the future, should I just claim the costs on my insurance company anyway?
Worst case
Worst case
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Carol asks…Personal Injury Lawyer, Personal Injury Attorney, Car Accident Lawyer, Auto Accident Attorney Recommendations?admin answers:Justin Ziegler. You can visit this personal injury lawyer's website @ You can reach him toll-Free at (800) 955-5085. His local number is (305) 403-0966. I know that he has personal injury clients throughout Florida and the United States and has recovered large amounts of money for many of them. If you are injured, his firm
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims
Sandra asks…Can someone be insured against personal injury claims being made against him?And if so, how can you find out?admin answers:Yes. I have an umbrella liability policy for $1 million, which takes effect only after my home and/or auto liability policy limits have been exhausted. Best part is that it's cheap, only about $300 per year. At my age and with my net worth, I don't want to start over.Maria asks…Is there a statute of limitations on personal injury claims from an auto
Monday, 5 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Settlement
Nancy asks…What is the average settlement payout for personal injury due to negligence by a company?I got an injury and suffer from tissue damage in foot. who should i contact for a lawyer and what should i be on the look out for as far as finding someone to represent me. So far ive had one lawyer tell me he does not take claims unless a person is going to get surgery. that does not sound right.admin answers:Your right . That response from that attorney didn't sound right. Maybe it's because
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Amounts
Chris asks…Just recieved a large amount of money in a cheque for a personal injury claim.?in excess of £70,000 (lost both legs in bad car crash 3 years ago).
im about to put the cheque in the bank tommorow, will the bank make checks on the cheque, and do they have the right to contact the solicitor company who have paid it to me to get authorisation?.
As i need the money asap, and don't want the bank poking there nose in and delaying it for me for over the standard 5 days of
im about to put the cheque in the bank tommorow, will the bank make checks on the cheque, and do they have the right to contact the solicitor company who have paid it to me to get authorisation?.
As i need the money asap, and don't want the bank poking there nose in and delaying it for me for over the standard 5 days of
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Form
Daniel asks…OMG What are the essentials of this contract?This agreement is made the day of 2002
Duncan Management Services ABN: 36 101 041 212 (here in after called the Promoter)
(here in after called the Boxer)
Where by it is mutually agreed that:
1. The boxer agrees to box at the
Duncan Management Services ABN: 36 101 041 212 (here in after called the Promoter)
(here in after called the Boxer)
Where by it is mutually agreed that:
1. The boxer agrees to box at the
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Solicitors
Mandy asks…Can a company claim back overpayment of salary by a court claim?We are in a bit of pickle.
My partner worked for a courier company for just under 5 weeks, until they laid him off, saying that it wasn't cost effective to keep in employing drivers that they didnt need, although they were still recruiting for drivers on Gumtree. People were actually taken on after my partner but they still kept their jobs, which to me doesnt seem right. Surely its a case of last to join, first to
My partner worked for a courier company for just under 5 weeks, until they laid him off, saying that it wasn't cost effective to keep in employing drivers that they didnt need, although they were still recruiting for drivers on Gumtree. People were actually taken on after my partner but they still kept their jobs, which to me doesnt seem right. Surely its a case of last to join, first to
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Negligence
Thomas asks…how can I find out the legitimacy of a person with his email address?my cousin has arranged for mediation with my mother with a person she has chose herself. He has given us his email address but has not got a web page or anything similar connecting him to any mediation service he supposedly works for and we can not find any information on this man ourselves about whether he is legitimate or not. We suspect this named mediator is a friend of my cousin who is manipulating a
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury Against Me
Jenny asks…my son broke his arm in school, can i claim compensation?he broke his arm while at school but they didnt contact me or even take him to hospital. he wet himself because he couldnt manage the toilet on his own because of the pain in his arm so he went all day in pain and with urine soaked clothes, they didnt notice oe change his clothes. i only saw when he came back from an after school club, (yes they allowed him to go to that too with a broken swollen arm) and i took him straight
Friday, 2 December 2011
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Charles asks…travel insurance vacationtions to the uk?if a person goes to the UK on vacation and they have travel insutance and they have an accident while in the UK and they need emergency treatment from a hospital will that person who is not a UK national have to pay for medical treatment while in the hospital or would they get medical treatment free as part of the NHS (I know most Americans think its evil beyond words) or would they have to pay and claim off the travel insurance when they
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Maria asks…travel insurance vacationtions to the uk?if a person goes to the UK on vacation and they have travel insutance and they have an accident while in the UK and they need emergency treatment from a hospital will that person who is not a UK national have to pay for medical treatment while in the hospital or would they get medical treatment free as part of the NHS (I know most Americans think its evil beyond words) or would they have to pay and claim off the travel insurance when they
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Nancy asks…My lawyer just settled my personal injury lawsuit, is my spouses name required as one of the payees?filed a personal injury lawsuit four years ago. my lawyer just informed me that they settled. I received a "General Release" form in the mail for me and my spouse to sign. My spouse isn't the one who filed the lawsuit, and my concern is that her name will be on the check as one of the payees.admin answers:Generally, if you were married to her at the time of the accident and are still
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Process
Laura asks…How can one compel an automobile insurance company to send a settlement check (CA)?I was very excited to hear that during the mediation of my personal injury case, the third party insurance company agreed upon a settlement that was fair and justifiable based on my injuries and medical expenses. However, despite this agreed upon settlement, the insurance company has completely failed to send me the check for two months to this day.
I'm not very sure about the settlement process,
I'm not very sure about the settlement process,
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
Joseph asks…What injury lawyer to use?I was recently involved in a road accident in London when another vehicle bumped into my car from behind. I will like to pursue a whiplash injury claim. Although my insurer (Admiral insurance) has referred me to their lawyers, I wasn't satisfied so I searched the internet and found so many injury lawyers such as: injurylawyewrs4u, national accident helpline etc.
(i) Please what's the best thing to do? Should i go for one of them or stick to the lawyers
(i) Please what's the best thing to do? Should i go for one of them or stick to the lawyers
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation
Nancy asks…Can i claim compensation for adult hypospadias?I have the urinary birth defect hypospadias.
It was not diagnosed untill i was 16 when i realised i was different to others and went to the doctor.
Do i have a right to compensation as this is something that should have been noticed at birth and operated on at that early stage, but went unnoticed by someone, possibly the hospital staff where i was born.
Adult repair operation is risky and dangerous, this defect has caused me a lot of
It was not diagnosed untill i was 16 when i realised i was different to others and went to the doctor.
Do i have a right to compensation as this is something that should have been noticed at birth and operated on at that early stage, but went unnoticed by someone, possibly the hospital staff where i was born.
Adult repair operation is risky and dangerous, this defect has caused me a lot of
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury In Car Accident
Ken asks…Personal Injury Claim?I was in an auto accident (passenger). The accident was not our fault, a car following too closely to the car in front of it (we were in the on-coming lane). The car rear ended the stopped car at 40mph and forced it into oncoming traffic (us) we were hit head-on and then the causing car t-boned our car. I was rushed to the hospital where i was tested and medicated for 6hrs. My injuries were: ripped chest wall, difficulty breathing, cuts, bruises, whiplash, and
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Lizzie asks…UK Car Insurance Valid ? - 4 1/2 year old points no longer on licience not disclosed to insurance company?Hi, I am fully comprehensive insured and recently had an accident when I hit another car, leafing through my paperwork I have noticed I did not disclose three points no longer on my licience which are 4 1/2 years old but insurance company asked me disclose points upto 5 years old. I genuinely thought they were over 5 years old as my licience which I replaced a few months ago
Monday, 28 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Ruth asks…I need a reputable personal injury lawyer in Tampa, Fl with knowledge of mold poisoing.?I was exposed to mold and need to sue for damagesadmin answers:Hi M,
please do a search for tort law or toxic tort law in oyur areaCarol asks…Who is a good Boston Auto Accident Lawyer? Boston Personal Injury Lawyer?admin answers:Jim SokoloveJames asks…how do i find a personal injury lawyer in minnesota?admin answers:Definitely look in the yellow pages. Or even online at
please do a search for tort law or toxic tort law in oyur areaCarol asks…Who is a good Boston Auto Accident Lawyer? Boston Personal Injury Lawyer?admin answers:Jim SokoloveJames asks…how do i find a personal injury lawyer in minnesota?admin answers:Definitely look in the yellow pages. Or even online at
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Form
Paul asks…Have you ever been harassed at work by your boss.?I broke my little finger at a special needs school i work at. It isnt healing after 10 weeks. I want to claim for personal injury. I have been their 12 months. Since then,the headmistress has had countless meetings with me from my C.R.B form, which she says something has arisen which has set alarm bells ringing, to not signing out which she says is a deriliction of duty. I have been residing with a clique of people who are a bad
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
Nancy asks…Does anyone know about claims advisory groups network?Hai
last week, the claims advisory groups people called me and said, they will help to claim back my last 5 years loan and credit card money but they could charge 39% depends how much they could claim. (That calls no win no fee)
Today i received that claiming form and package. I did read everything but i still have a question about (why they involve to do this and is it for cheating or financial threatening or what). They
last week, the claims advisory groups people called me and said, they will help to claim back my last 5 years loan and credit card money but they could charge 39% depends how much they could claim. (That calls no win no fee)
Today i received that claiming form and package. I did read everything but i still have a question about (why they involve to do this and is it for cheating or financial threatening or what). They
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Expenses
John asks…How can i go about claiming compensation from my landlord? *PLEASE HELP*?Hi i was wondering if someone out there could help me.
i have recently signed a 12 month tenancy agreement on a privately rented property, and on the day i signed for the keys i went to apartment to check the inventory. when i arrived i discovered that the lighting wasn't working and the immersion heater was broken. i have since then not been able to move into the new address because i still have no hot
i have recently signed a 12 month tenancy agreement on a privately rented property, and on the day i signed for the keys i went to apartment to check the inventory. when i arrived i discovered that the lighting wasn't working and the immersion heater was broken. i have since then not been able to move into the new address because i still have no hot
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury
William asks…Is it expensive to go too court for a personal injury claim?uk?Hi
Personal injury claims are usally settled before the court date or the morning of the court.
What sort of costs occur when bring the case to the high court??
Does it matter if the case is going on for 5yrs or longer?
Do the barristers for both side be in regular contact?
Thanksadmin answers:Snoozle W is broadly correct as regards costs and "Tony A" is talking out of what I suspect the A stands for.
PI claims are
Personal injury claims are usally settled before the court date or the morning of the court.
What sort of costs occur when bring the case to the high court??
Does it matter if the case is going on for 5yrs or longer?
Do the barristers for both side be in regular contact?
Thanksadmin answers:Snoozle W is broadly correct as regards costs and "Tony A" is talking out of what I suspect the A stands for.
PI claims are
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Ruth asks…A friend in car accident. Who's at fault?My friend had an accident in her car yesterday. She was travelling home along a main road when a van pulled out in front of her from a junction and she collided with the side. She was travelling on the same side of the road as the junction (this is in the UK by the way) and the driver of the van claims that she was indicating to turn left into the juction which she's says she wasn't. The advice that I've given her is that even if she was
Friday, 25 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Sharon asks…I ws recently injured during a trip on a Translink shuttle Can anyone recommend a GOOD Personal Injury Lawyer?I am disabled and often get around on my scooter. Unfortunately due to improper securement, my scooter fell in it's side, causing me to hit my head against the ramp stored on the right. After I was
established in a regular seat, I discovered that my head was bleeding. With the help of some tissue from a passenger I was able to put pressure on where I thought my injury
established in a regular seat, I discovered that my head was bleeding. With the help of some tissue from a passenger I was able to put pressure on where I thought my injury
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Settlement
Betty asks…Personal Injury Compensation Claim?I was in a vehicle accident where my truck was totaled. The other driver was 100% at fault. I recieved whiplash do to the air bag deployment/ seat belt restraint, along with a shoulder sub-luxation which resulted in physical therapy and a decrease in my physical fitness in the military. I hired a personal injury lawyer (they get 33% of settlement) my question is how much can I expect to pocket from this claim from the wreck and pain and suffering
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
Charles asks…accident compensation. how much?My son was on the back of his freinds motorbike last year when it crashed and he hurt his brain. The doctors at the hospital told us he had "post concussive disorder". Hes started a compensation claim with one of those no win no fee companys from the tely and theyve asked for £30000 from his freinds insurance company. I know they ask for more than they think the claims worth but does anyone know what percentage of the amount requested is usualy
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Letter
John asks…workers compensation?Okay I am not sure how the legal process works and i am looking for some advice.My mother was injured at work. She is a registed nurse, and after an MRI was conducted by the hospitals personal doctor, it was concluded that she is permanently disabled, and can no longer be a registed nurse. Nevertheless, my mother tried to work through the pain, but after a couple of weeks of literally back breaking pain she decided that she can no longer work... Today, the
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury Uk
Lisa asks…Worried about this - any ideas?If somebody is claiming income support in the UK and during that time they are awarded a £1000 lump sum of compensation for a personal injury,are they allowed to keep the money?admin answers:Depends, not to any great extent
Only savings of over 6,000 affect income support, if they have no other savings then the 1000 won't affect them. If they have 5,000 already then the additional 1000 will bring them up to 6,000 which will attract notional income
Only savings of over 6,000 affect income support, if they have no other savings then the 1000 won't affect them. If they have 5,000 already then the additional 1000 will bring them up to 6,000 which will attract notional income
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Donald asks…If I am living away from home because I am sick can I still claim housing benefit for my home address.?I live in the UK (N.Ireland). I recently had an accident an spent two nights in hospital which is why I can't work or look after myself on my own. I am temporarily living with my parents but still paying rent for my own home. Would I still be entitled to housing benefit for my home address if I am living away from home?admin answers:In England, the answer would be yes (don't
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Ken asks…I am a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia. What would you want to know to hire me?admin answers:1. Your credentials and education
2. Whether or not you use drugs given that in our small county NE of Atlanta 2 well known local lawyers have been busted for this one of whom thereby caused my husband to loose any hope of recovering damages. Apparently he was too busy with his drug business to be able to serve law clients
3. Your success rate and references
4. Fee schedule and do
2. Whether or not you use drugs given that in our small county NE of Atlanta 2 well known local lawyers have been busted for this one of whom thereby caused my husband to loose any hope of recovering damages. Apparently he was too busy with his drug business to be able to serve law clients
3. Your success rate and references
4. Fee schedule and do
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Process
Laura asks…I was in a wreck with a state highway department car and totalled my car. how long should it take to resolve?I was in a car wreck with a state highway deparment person. It was his fault. my car was totalled. How long should it take to process my claim? they said up to 6 months since personal injury was involved, but a friend said that it wouldn't take that long and after a certain period of time, they arent liable anymore. so my question is basically how long should it take?admin
Monday, 21 November 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Solicitors
Paul asks…What would yo do if a celebrity ripped you off?A celebrity author ripped me off when I had just lost my beautiful 12 year old daughter Natasha to Cancer.
I had been in private & confidential correspondence with him and he infringed on my copyright (design and patents 1988 act singularity of letters)
He used part of my life and that of my family as a basis for one of his thriller fiction novels.
I promised Natasha before she died that, everyone possible would be able to read
I had been in private & confidential correspondence with him and he infringed on my copyright (design and patents 1988 act singularity of letters)
He used part of my life and that of my family as a basis for one of his thriller fiction novels.
I promised Natasha before she died that, everyone possible would be able to read
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Form
Thomas asks…How do I claim a bonus payment on form 1099-misc?I received a bonus from a nursing recruiting company. I never worked for the recruiter, just the hospital they referred me to. They sent me a 1099-misc form for the bonus amount in box 7(nonemployee compensation). I'm not sure how to claim this money. Any help would be appreciated.admin answers:There is a line (if on paper) or if doing your taxes online, all programs will ask if you received 1099 income. There are many types of
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury Against Me
Lisa asks…In Civil cases is compensation determined by the defendants ability to pay?A person is trying to claim against me for a personal injury that occurred during a football match, although I was yellow carded I don't feel the incident was anything other than a unfortunate accident. I have spoke to the football clubs and my own insurers and I don't appeared to be covered for this claim against me.
If a court finds against me (I cant afford a solicitor), would the level of compensation
If a court finds against me (I cant afford a solicitor), would the level of compensation
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Charles asks…Insurance, no claims protection question UK cars?I have just had a small accident with another car. cosmetic only pain scuffs. I have 6 years NCB. can i purchase no claims protection before informing the company of the aaccidentadmin answers:No. No claims protection is a part of the policy which can be included when you take out the insurance, it can't be added retrospectively.Paul asks…If I need to make a claim on my car for theft or if it is stolen do i need proof of previous
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Donald asks…what words would you type in google or yahoo to find a great personal injury lawyer?admin answers:I would approach this in a different way.
I would search for things like "largest personal injury settlements" or "largest personal injury jury verdicts". Find out which lawyers got the largest verdicts; not which ones self-promote the best.
Then, you need to make sure you find someone that is in the area you need. The best lawyers for asserting a medical malpractice claim will
I would search for things like "largest personal injury settlements" or "largest personal injury jury verdicts". Find out which lawyers got the largest verdicts; not which ones self-promote the best.
Then, you need to make sure you find someone that is in the area you need. The best lawyers for asserting a medical malpractice claim will
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Letter
Charles asks…Auto Accident Statement of claim?I was involved in an at fault auto accident. I admitted fault at scene. The injured party has submitted a statement of claim for personal injury. I forwarded it to my insurance co. The ins. co. sent a letter saying that the claim was above my coverage and I should contact a lawyer.On talking with them they said that these letters were standard and I should not contact a lawyer right away Their lawyers deal with it.The lawyers of my insurance
Friday, 18 November 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
Donald asks…are you a nincompoop, or just clumsy? are you strapped? do feel like blaming someone for your ineptitude?Just call'll be able to make a no fee no win claimadmin answers:Acci-cash helped me claim €5000 in compensation from the state when I got a paper cut on one of their letters! Thak you acci-cash!!Thomas asks…why legal aid and not no win no fee?Im a beauty therapist and someone is making a claim against me. Her previous no win no fee lawyer told her where to
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Expenses
Donna asks…Crime Victim Compensation?I am finishing paperwork for a Crime Victim Compensation form. Due to the murder of my brother in Wisconsin.
The expenses claimed thus far are:
*Funeral/burial costs
*Travel expenses
*Cleaning brother's house and ridding of his household furnishings, etc
*Medical expenses for my 85 y/o mother, she was unable to attend wake or funeral due to her sudden hospitalization resulting from his death.
*Emotional damage
*Lost wages
Anyone think of anything else
The expenses claimed thus far are:
*Funeral/burial costs
*Travel expenses
*Cleaning brother's house and ridding of his household furnishings, etc
*Medical expenses for my 85 y/o mother, she was unable to attend wake or funeral due to her sudden hospitalization resulting from his death.
*Emotional damage
*Lost wages
Anyone think of anything else
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury In Car Accident
Richard asks…what do people generally get paid out for personal injury for whiplash and head aches?i had an accident in june 06 , my 6 wk old baby and i were driving and a car hit us on head on ,speeding. Thankfully my baby was ok , i came out with whiplash and have been experiencing neck problems and head pains since.The other driver ran from the scene of the accident and i believe he is now untraceable.(the car was stolen)
i have applied to a solicitors for a personal injusry claim , but
i have applied to a solicitors for a personal injusry claim , but
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury Uk
Daniel asks…Worried about this - any ideas?If somebody is claiming income support in the UK and during that time they are awarded a £1000 lump sum of compensation for a personal injury,are they allowed to keep the money?admin answers:Depends, not to any great extent
Only savings of over 6,000 affect income support, if they have no other savings then the 1000 won't affect them. If they have 5,000 already then the additional 1000 will bring them up to 6,000 which will attract notional income
Only savings of over 6,000 affect income support, if they have no other savings then the 1000 won't affect them. If they have 5,000 already then the additional 1000 will bring them up to 6,000 which will attract notional income
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Thomas asks…Moving to UK from Switzerland is it easy?A friend on skype from Switzerland wants to move to the UK.
Is it easy because 1) Switzerland is not in the EU and 2), he wasn't originally born in Switzerland but has lived there 15 years, a snowboard accident left him with a back problem which means he can't work. The problem is in Switzerland social security only lasts 6 months, which is a bit unfair. So would he be able to claim social security in England easily?
He has always wanted
Is it easy because 1) Switzerland is not in the EU and 2), he wasn't originally born in Switzerland but has lived there 15 years, a snowboard accident left him with a back problem which means he can't work. The problem is in Switzerland social security only lasts 6 months, which is a bit unfair. So would he be able to claim social security in England easily?
He has always wanted
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Donna asks…Personal Injury lawyer Birmingham Alabama?We are looking for a personal injury lawyer in Birmngham, Al.
Not an ambulance chaser but my husband was injuried in an accident with a drunk driver. We were thinking of following up with suing her. We are not sue happy people never done this before, just looking to see if anyone out here has used a lawyer that they could suggest..admin answers:Hello Rhonda,
I am an attorney and have a friend in Hoover who is a great personal injury
Not an ambulance chaser but my husband was injuried in an accident with a drunk driver. We were thinking of following up with suing her. We are not sue happy people never done this before, just looking to see if anyone out here has used a lawyer that they could suggest..admin answers:Hello Rhonda,
I am an attorney and have a friend in Hoover who is a great personal injury
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim
Ken asks…I am about to settle my personal injury claim with insurance, they asked me my social security number?Should i give my social security number to personal injury adjuster?admin answers:Yes.
All financial transactions over $10,000 have to be reported to the goverment, and they need it to file the report.Maria asks…Is a schedule of special damages the final amount i will recieve for a personal injury claim?I've been asked to sign a schedule of damages by my solicitor for an injury
All financial transactions over $10,000 have to be reported to the goverment, and they need it to file the report.Maria asks…Is a schedule of special damages the final amount i will recieve for a personal injury claim?I've been asked to sign a schedule of damages by my solicitor for an injury
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
Joseph asks…UK: no-win-no-fee solicitors for unpaid royalties and copyright infringement?I live in Portugal. A client in Uk bought a product of mine in 2000, payable on royalties. Worked fine until 2003, where payments stopped. Client still selling the product (with success!), but does not pay royalties. Looking for a solicitor/lawyer to take the case to court on a no-win-no-fee basis. Anyone you can advice? (total claim £30,000 to date).
How could I send him invoices if I don't know
How could I send him invoices if I don't know
Monday, 14 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Accident
Donald asks…I have had an accident, who is best to do my claim for compensation?Where i live the council had scaffolding up and when it was taken down it had pushed in all the slabs leaving them very dangerous to walk on, i tripped and gashed my leg below the knee and went over on my ankle, i did goto A & E but after 4 hours i left, i have reported the fault to the council, could i claim for injuries, if so what do i do, i dont know if this is the corrct section and if not what section is
Your Questions About How To Make A Claim For Personal Injury
Mandy asks…How does my Broadcast sound?In my digital multimedia class, I had to write a broadcast copy of a newspaper article to make it like a script for a teleprompter. Mine was about this article :
Here is my broadcast:
BP Broadcast
This past Monday, BP announced they will pay compensation for valid claims relating to the recent oil spill. These include property damage, personal injury, and commercial losses.
Here is my broadcast:
BP Broadcast
This past Monday, BP announced they will pay compensation for valid claims relating to the recent oil spill. These include property damage, personal injury, and commercial losses.
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Donna asks…In the UK, which court handles disputed car accidents cases?In 2009, had an accident and today I received a phone call from my insurance company, that we need to go court, as there is a dispute between both the parties about accepting the claim. Both parties are based in Leicester and location of the accident is also Leicester.
What will be the procedure?
The reason why I am ready to go to court, is that, third party came up with false witness. The witness whom I never saw at the
What will be the procedure?
The reason why I am ready to go to court, is that, third party came up with false witness. The witness whom I never saw at the
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
William asks…Can anyone refer me to a reputable, successful personal injury lawyer in Toronto?admin asks…Could we have lied to our bankruptcy lawyer about a pending personal injury case (in our favor)?When we filed for bankruptcy last year, our bankruptcy attorney asked us if we had any pending lawsuits. We replied with a yes, as I had to hire a personal injury lawyer cause of a car accident we were in. We were
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Advice
Richard asks…personal injury at work related question?The situation was my wife works at a well known UK supermarket, she was stood on a tray at work to read a label up high when a work colleague of her's comes along and kicks at the tray, not enough to cause her lose her balance or anything but enough for her to try and keep her balance jar-ing her back as she felt it pull at the time and was in pain, my wife has had a ongoing back complaint which she has had chiropractic treatment for and
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
Mary asks…car crash no win no fee?I was involved in a car accident as a passenger and am using a no win no fee solicitor. The claim is going through but the other parties insurance are scrutinising every detail, if im being honest i cant be bothered with all the hastle and questioning off the solicitors.
If i drop the case will i be billed by my solicitors for all costs up to now??????admin answers:Yes you will be billed as that is the only way to get the solicitors fees.Chris asks…Has
If i drop the case will i be billed by my solicitors for all costs up to now??????admin answers:Yes you will be billed as that is the only way to get the solicitors fees.Chris asks…Has
Friday, 11 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Texas
Sandra asks…I got fired, now im taking legal action?Okay so I was fired on Tuesday from JPMorgan Chase one of the largest Credit Card companies out there because I had called in sick a week prior to that. I was about to complete my year now in March. When I got to work nobody had pulled me to the side to let me know what was goin on. I was at work for an hour a half when security escorted me out. I made an appt. to speak with someone in HR about getting my job back. I have already filed a
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury
Lisa asks…In a personal injury claim, how much would loss of consortium be worth per year of loss?Due to anothers wrong doing my husand of 2 days was falsely arrested . We had no honeymoon, spent almost 18 months with no physical contact cuz he was locked up behind glass while we fought his case. He has since been locked up another 2 1/2yrs as well. We have uncovered evidence of his innocence that the alleged victim lied and caused him to be arrested falsley and perjured in court. The local
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Maria asks…Spam/Scam Calls from "UK Claim Services": Has anyone had a call offering to get you compensation?I haven't had an accident of course & I'm signed up to TPS (Telephone Preference Service) but the caller uses an anonymous number, so it doesn't stop calls getting through. It's not the first time I've had this type of phone 'spam' but next time they call I'm going to wind them up with a ridiculous 'accident' story to waste their time!
This type of call relates to 'Personal Injury'
This type of call relates to 'Personal Injury'
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Michael asks…Which should I become? A personal injury lawyer or a prosecuting attorney?I'm off to law school in 2 years and I need to know.admin answers:Can you give us an idea of what you want to accomplish in law? In life?
It's hard to answer any question when you have no idea where the person who asked is coming from.Susan asks…What's is the definition of a personal injury lawyer who does not charge you unless you recover money?admin answers:Contingency case.Sharon asks…Nastiest
It's hard to answer any question when you have no idea where the person who asked is coming from.Susan asks…What's is the definition of a personal injury lawyer who does not charge you unless you recover money?admin answers:Contingency case.Sharon asks…Nastiest
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Form
Robert asks…Is a Personal Injury Lawyer necessary if accident occurs in store?I was injured at a local store. A display type box (above shoulder height on shelf) of the new style large curved shower curtain rods fell on my head and shoulder. (It contained 5 of these curtain rods) I reported it to the store manager on duty as none of the employees I came in contact with cared to do anything about the incident, and a few days later someone called to check up on me and I told them I wanted to
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Solicitors
Susan asks…Will I have to pay now? - Legal Fees.?A number of months ago I had an accident in Tesco's and hurt my wrist, I decided to make a claim against them as I was in great pain and had to go to hospital for the injury. I contacted a no win no fee solicitor and he took up the case. After talking to him a few days ago, I decided it wasn't worth my while per suing the claim and decided to cancel. Will I be charged any kind of fee for this? He never mentioned anything about payments.. yet
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Letter
Ruth asks…Can I claim compensation independently?Yesterday I was involved in a car accident. As I was approaching a tunnel a large lorry was coming through it. The next thing I know a crushed up car is flying towards me and I had to break suddenly. Luckilly I stopped in time and the scrap metal landed about 2 metres away from my car.
I now have whiplash injuries, neck pain, headaches and according to the doctor its probably going to get worse over the next couple of days.
I normally
I now have whiplash injuries, neck pain, headaches and according to the doctor its probably going to get worse over the next couple of days.
I normally
Your Questions About Insurance Claim For Personal Injury
Susan asks…Car insurance - claims made, would it be one or two?Hi, my friend crashed her car, she has had a claim on her insurance from the car she hit and her car which is being written off, if also someone makes a personal injury claim would this count as two claims? for when applying for insurance should she choose 1 claim or put two down? im confused
thanksadmin answers:It all counts as one accident.David asks…How do you put a price on "pain and suffering"?In insurance claims involving
thanksadmin answers:It all counts as one accident.David asks…How do you put a price on "pain and suffering"?In insurance claims involving
Monday, 7 November 2011
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Mandy asks…Have you had a car crash and claimed compensation?Have you been involved in car accident that wasn't your fault? If you have did you claim compensation? What were your injuries and how much did you recieve for your injuries and what year did it happen. I have been injuried and just trying to work out what my claim might be worth. I look forward to your answers. i am in the uk would perfer to hear from people in the uk. thanksadmin answers:Read this site and it may help
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Mary asks…what is the percentage that a lawyer gets for personal injury cases?I WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT WHAT IS THE BASIC PERCENTAGE THAT A LAWYER THAT A PERSONAL INJURY LAWYER GETSadmin answers:Generally, it is 33 1/3% pre-trial; 40% if the matter goes to arbitration or trial.
All rates are negotiable prior to signing the contract for legal services.
You need to fully discuss this issue prior to signing any contract.Lizzie asks…problem with a personal injury lawyer trying to get medical
All rates are negotiable prior to signing the contract for legal services.
You need to fully discuss this issue prior to signing any contract.Lizzie asks…problem with a personal injury lawyer trying to get medical
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Process
Donald asks…Tesco insurance claim?Hi i have made a claim with tesco and i was wonderinf if anyone reading this has had experience with Tesco personal injury claim.
They said that after two months they will
Call and ask how im doing and if my injuries have healed they will make a offer.
Does anyone know how long does this process take to get your check? After you have healed.
If anyone has had any experience with tesco personal injury claims please share your story
Thank youadmin
They said that after two months they will
Call and ask how im doing and if my injuries have healed they will make a offer.
Does anyone know how long does this process take to get your check? After you have healed.
If anyone has had any experience with tesco personal injury claims please share your story
Thank youadmin
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Letter
Sandy asks…How to word a letter to a judge to make a request?As a respondent if a claimants representative is making a personal injury claim against me could this be considered a conflict of interests? After dismissing an employee this woman acted as a companion at appeal, claiming to be a Union official. She resisted showing her accreditation saying we were frustrating the data protection act in asking but finally produced certificates and a Unison card. The respresentative who is clearly no
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
John asks…Can no win no fee solicitors take the charge for treatment out of your settlement?My sister was involved in a car accident, which was not her fault and has been receiving treatment by a physiotherapist for a neck injury. The no win no fee solicitors working for her has taken just under a £1,000 out of her final settlement to pay for the physio treatment. The solicitors claimed that you get all of the compensation, but it appears not. Has anyone else experienced anything like
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Form
David asks…Who would you claim from for lost/delayed baggage at Heathrow airport?Hi,
I recently flew back from Dubai to Heathrow airport with BA. When we arrived in the baggage collection hall it was in chaos. Bags were piled everywhere and we waited for ages for our bags to come through, but they never did. There were announcements for everyone in the baggage hall to "leave the bagage hall, fill out a pay and claim form and then leave the terminal without any bags". We didn't really want to
I recently flew back from Dubai to Heathrow airport with BA. When we arrived in the baggage collection hall it was in chaos. Bags were piled everywhere and we waited for ages for our bags to come through, but they never did. There were announcements for everyone in the baggage hall to "leave the bagage hall, fill out a pay and claim form and then leave the terminal without any bags". We didn't really want to
Friday, 4 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury In Car Accident
Sandy asks…Personal Injury Claim taken through Court - has anyone experienced this?I was in a car accident over 2 years ago, not my fault and the other driver was uninsured. The MIB were dealing with my whiplash personal injury claim but have now handed it over to the other drivers previous insurance company (due to legalities with insurance certificates etc.). Anyway, my solicitor has given Tesco insurance co. 21 days to respond to my offer to settle of £12,000. But he warned me that
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Carol asks…If my no claim is protect and i had an accident?If my no claim is protect and i had an accident, do i need to mention about the accident while renewing my policy in coming year. I am insured by eSure, UK. The accident is disputed and i need to renew my policy. Please suggest me.... I am 27 year old with 6 year NCD.
@ Lucy; whatever you saying is right. Insurence company know about the accident and it is disputed becasue third party came up with false withness. When accident
@ Lucy; whatever you saying is right. Insurence company know about the accident and it is disputed becasue third party came up with false withness. When accident
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer Fees
Mary asks…Can anyone translate this into French??1. Looking for a progressive position in a fast pace criminal lawyer’s position where I can refine my litigation skills working with leaders in the field.
2. Fluent in both French and English. Excellent computer skills including Microsoft Office, Excel and MacOS. Graduated St. John’s University with honors. Outstanding verbal and written communication skills
3. Served two years as council in a small community-based legal practice
2. Fluent in both French and English. Excellent computer skills including Microsoft Office, Excel and MacOS. Graduated St. John’s University with honors. Outstanding verbal and written communication skills
3. Served two years as council in a small community-based legal practice
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Advice
Sharon asks…Brother had an accident in my car while un-insured and he was at fault. Read on..?Sorry about the essay to follow but want to fill in all the details.
Basically what happened last month when the weather was really bad with snow and black ice, my elder brother’s car wouldn’t start in the morning and he had to take the little ones to school but because they were getting late he didn’t jump start his own car but he took mine without me knowing, the problem here is that when I
Basically what happened last month when the weather was really bad with snow and black ice, my elder brother’s car wouldn’t start in the morning and he had to take the little ones to school but because they were getting late he didn’t jump start his own car but he took mine without me knowing, the problem here is that when I
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Solicitors
Sandra asks…My dog bit someone's finger through the letter box,now im being sued?Hi.
A policeman was delivering leaflets in our area and put one through our letter box.Our 8 year old border collie nipped his finger.He called round 3 days later and said that if we covered up the letter box the police would take no more action.we have done this but yesterday(2 months after the event) we've had a letter from a no win no fee solicitors suing us for damages.
Ive phoned the police and they say
A policeman was delivering leaflets in our area and put one through our letter box.Our 8 year old border collie nipped his finger.He called round 3 days later and said that if we covered up the letter box the police would take no more action.we have done this but yesterday(2 months after the event) we've had a letter from a no win no fee solicitors suing us for damages.
Ive phoned the police and they say
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Negligence
Thomas asks…Legal advice sought on sensitive medical negligence case?I am more than aware that medical neglince is obviously pretty hard to prove, therefore making a claim for compensation for it is almost impossible.
Before i go through all the channels of telling every tom dick and harry my business, i was wondering if it would be possible to speak to someone either from the law side of things, or perhaps someone in the medical profession who could assist me and give me some impartial
Before i go through all the channels of telling every tom dick and harry my business, i was wondering if it would be possible to speak to someone either from the law side of things, or perhaps someone in the medical profession who could assist me and give me some impartial
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury Uk
James asks…will i get compensation for future medical bills?uk?hello
i damaged my knee a few years ago and i have a personal injury claim on going,the side are not fighting the case as it was caught on cctv.recently i have seen an orthopaedic surgeon and he said i needed synvisc in my knee and will so for the rest of my life"iam 29" and i will need a knee replacement in the near future.the injects are £1000 per year.
did anyone ever hear of cases like this or know much about Personal injury
i damaged my knee a few years ago and i have a personal injury claim on going,the side are not fighting the case as it was caught on cctv.recently i have seen an orthopaedic surgeon and he said i needed synvisc in my knee and will so for the rest of my life"iam 29" and i will need a knee replacement in the near future.the injects are £1000 per year.
did anyone ever hear of cases like this or know much about Personal injury
Your Questions About Car Accident Claim Uk
Paul asks…some one have tried to make false claim on my car insurance, please help?Hello All,
some one have tried to make false claim on my car insurance, i have been driving fine. but couple of days ago, my insurance company called and asking me details of the accident saying i had met an accident and some one claims compensations for that.
Please advise me where shall i get more help, any web site forums or other options please, I live in UK
A Little help will be appreciated
Many thanks
some one have tried to make false claim on my car insurance, i have been driving fine. but couple of days ago, my insurance company called and asking me details of the accident saying i had met an accident and some one claims compensations for that.
Please advise me where shall i get more help, any web site forums or other options please, I live in UK
A Little help will be appreciated
Many thanks
Monday, 31 October 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Susan asks…I want an honest Personal Injury lawyer in the Bay Area that will work hard for you.Do you know of one?My case has affected my ability to work and there is permanent injury to deal with in the future. I need an attorney tthat can deal with a corporation in litigation....This is a somewhat complicated case requiring expert witness, etc.admin answers:Try going to google and type in "lawyer reviews" or the name of a particular lawyers name and city and see if it brings up and review
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Settlement
Lisa asks…Is there an Oklahoma Statute that states if a personal injury claim was paid under UM coverage...?through their private insurance that they ( the health insurance company) cannot claim subrogation against the policy holder if they are going to get a settlement from it?admin answers:I just beat two subrogation claims in Georgia because of part of Georgia doctrine stating that unless I, as the victim, had been "made whole" by the settlement, all claims for subrogation rights were
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
James asks…I was hit by a car while cycling. What can I claim, and how?I was cycling and a car turning right across my path knocked me off my bike. The driver admitted being completely at fault to the police when they were called. Aside from some bruises and scrapes, and some damage to my bike, I also have a broken arm.
Can I claim some compensation. If so, how much, and how do I go about it? (if I'd been driving I'd have my insurance company to do it for me). There seems to be so many
Can I claim some compensation. If so, how much, and how do I go about it? (if I'd been driving I'd have my insurance company to do it for me). There seems to be so many
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation
Richard asks…How do I claim compensation from my insurance for my lost bluetooth?Eligible to claim,just need some tips!?That is, I am afraid they might reject it if I don't claim in a proper way. Accessories are included in my insurance. Do you have any tips for me on what to tell them, so as to get my money?Thank you!admin answers:In your insurance policy there are sections ' what is covered' and a further section 'what is not covered'
when you word how you lost the device you need to say
when you word how you lost the device you need to say
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Your Questions About Insurance Claim For Personal Injury
Robert asks…Is my personal injury claim capped by a drivers policy limit?I was recently run over by a vehicle as I was walking through a parking lot. The injuries almost took my life. As a result I have already required emergency life saving surgery once, in which I lost my spleen and almost a kidney (the doctors said there was barely enough of it alive to leave it in). I also incurred other injuries to my ribs and spine. My back has not healed and will need further treatment as time goes
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Susan asks…What is No Claim Bonus (UK)?Hi to All,
Does No Claim Bonus mean, no accident in the last year whilst driving.admin answers:Its whether you've claimed i.e for a crash, theft of your car and so forth, basically if you dont claim it means you havent crashed, which is the No Claims Bonus (NCB). If you dont claim for i.e 10 years like my dad you get a discount of your insurance because your classed as a safe driver since you havent had a incident that required you to claim, the longer
Does No Claim Bonus mean, no accident in the last year whilst driving.admin answers:Its whether you've claimed i.e for a crash, theft of your car and so forth, basically if you dont claim it means you havent crashed, which is the No Claims Bonus (NCB). If you dont claim for i.e 10 years like my dad you get a discount of your insurance because your classed as a safe driver since you havent had a incident that required you to claim, the longer
Friday, 28 October 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Mary asks…How do u find a personal injury lawyer that will be retained for free and take the case on a percentage basis?We were seriuosly victumized by my former landlord We lived at Rochester Village for 13yrs. at the time we were the longest enduring tenent. My children and I are dumber for the experience. I was only hated because I attempted to better myself and my surroundings. We moved in on December 1993. We were told they had a 3 strikes you are out. February 2006 we still had a
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim
Laura asks…Can you file a personal injury claim with 2 insurance companies?I was injured a rear-end collision. The at-fault driver was driving an insured vehicle that belongs to his friend. The driver also has insurance. Can I file a claim with the insurance covering the vehicle as well as with the insurance of the at-fault driver?admin answers:Yes. You should file against ALL potentially liable entities, including your own. They will figure out who should pay what to whom. All claims may not
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Solicitors
Charles asks…How do i apply for a court order..I can't afford a solicitor?I asked a question on here few days ago about a unit i rent, I live in the UK and have contacted solicitor who says i deffinately have a case but it will cost me £500 up front and then i will have additional charges. I need a court order to get my belongings back and a claim of compensation for my belongings that were damaged and loss of earning etc.
I have all the proof that i was upto date with my rent etc but the
I have all the proof that i was upto date with my rent etc but the
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Negligence
Ruth asks…What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Accident Compensation Scheme in NZ?In terms of a no-fault scheme for negligence claims in tort.admin answers:Information is below.Richard asks…Should we prosecute MOD for criminal negligence?The Royal British Legion is unable to assist wounded or ill troops, because the MOD claims they are prvented to passing on a serviceman's details, by the Data Protection Act.
Meanwhile another government department, the DVLA, is brazenly
Meanwhile another government department, the DVLA, is brazenly
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury Against Me
Nancy asks…how do i make a personal claim for an injury?had a car crash not seriously damaged my arm but hurt it, took 3 days off work did not get paid, how do i make a claim on my car insurance against the person who ran into meadmin answers:Mark
Firstly, I am sorry to hear about your car accident in which you sustained injury. You have 3 years from the date of the accident to lodge a personal injury claim against the other driver's insurer. The key to making a successful Personal Injury
Firstly, I am sorry to hear about your car accident in which you sustained injury. You have 3 years from the date of the accident to lodge a personal injury claim against the other driver's insurer. The key to making a successful Personal Injury
Your Questions About Accident At Work Claim Uk
Sandy asks…Claiming from an accident at work in America?Can I do that from the UK, it happened in DisneyWorld Florida, and i was full insured, it was for work experience through my university ???admin answers:There will be NOTHING to claim, if insurance already paid they will get an offset from WC so what WC would have paid will go to the insurance company NOT to you.....
If you were not working and this was an injury that was unrelated to your work the liability insurance works the same
If you were not working and this was an injury that was unrelated to your work the liability insurance works the same
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer Fees
Lisa asks…I have a legal question..Please advice?I had a case of personal injury thru auto accident. I recieved the settlement amount of $5000 after paying 40% fee to lawyer. But i still owe $4400 for chiropractor bill if i pay that i will only end up having $600 for myself. My question is...what if i dont pay the chiropractor bill and keep the 5 grand for myself? I am sure that they will wanna negotiate for $2500 or $3000 but in worse case scenario what can happen if i dont pay them a
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim Form
Ken asks…How do I file a demand for binding arbitration in Los Angeles?I have an auto accident/personal injury claim which the insurance company has sent to their law firm to handle. I only have a few days left before the statute expires and need to file for arbitration. Is there a form I'd use or do I just send a letter to the insurance companys' law firm? If so, what should be included in the letter? Lastly, am I responsible for contacting and selecting the arbitrator?admin answers:You
Monday, 24 October 2011
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Advice
John asks…i received an email tht i won money by a lottery of " IRISH MOBILE PROMOTION AWARD"?there was a message in my cell that i won a total amount of £700000 (50322191.5 rupees) and i have to send a mail to claim that money. there was an email address "". then i sanded an email to them that "I've got a message in my mobile Number (9680449994) that i've won 700,000.00 in Irish GSM Promotion Program. Please give me a detailed Info about this Program."
then they
then they
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Letter
David asks…I am making a claim to Royal Mail for missing post, need help for compensation costs?I need to know what I should put in as the value of the item I am claiming for. In the envelope that I sent there was legal divorce documents (The letter was going to the courts) my original marriage certificate and a cheque for £340.00. Any ideas on what I should put? I will now need to get another copy of my marriage certifcate which will cost about a tenner.
Yes it was recorded
Yes it was recorded
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Your Questions About How To Make A Claim For Personal Injury
Ruth asks…Car accident- at fault wrist surgery settlement cost?I was in an at fault accident. I had whiplash. his wrist is brokewith need of surgery and he might have whiplash I don't know. I do know that he was able to write after the accident. He wrote my information down so the wrist broke should not effect whether he can work. However I found out he is claiming 6 weeks lost wages- he's an engineer I have a 15K Bodily Injury limit. what is the chance he can go over that limit? I do know is
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Mark asks…In the future I want to be a personal injury lawyer. What is a good major for me?I am a first year student at a community college, and I am unsure of what course of action to take and my advisors are no help. Along with my first question regarding my major...any reccomendations on schools?admin answers:I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say if you want to be a personal injury attorney you should major in....LAW....I'm just guessing though...Michael asks…Is my personal injury
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
Mandy asks…In the future I want to be a personal injury lawyer. What is a good major for me?I am a first year student at a community college, and I am unsure of what course of action to take and my advisors are no help. Along with my first question regarding my major...any reccomendations on schools?admin answers:I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say if you want to be a personal injury attorney you should major in....LAW....I'm just guessing though...Chris asks…Is my personal injury
Friday, 21 October 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
George asks…In the future I want to be a personal injury lawyer. What is a good major for me?I am a first year student at a community college, and I am unsure of what course of action to take and my advisors are no help. Along with my first question regarding my major...any reccomendations on schools?admin answers:I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say if you want to be a personal injury attorney you should major in....LAW....I'm just guessing though...Sharon asks…Is my personal injury
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Advice
Lisa asks…do you think i should make a personal injury claim?i was working on sunday and my sister took my 3yr old daughter to an indoor play centre for her cousins party. whilst there my daughter came down the slide and banged her arm on the side of the slide. with this she got upset and a mother from the party who is a nurse said get her straight to the my sister took the advice.i met them at the hospital and my lil girl has broken her arm and they think she might have broken it
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Advice
Sandy asks…do you think i should make a personal injury claim?i was working on sunday and my sister took my 3yr old daughter to an indoor play centre for her cousins party. whilst there my daughter came down the slide and banged her arm on the side of the slide. with this she got upset and a mother from the party who is a nurse said get her straight to the my sister took the advice.i met them at the hospital and my lil girl has broken her arm and they think she might have broken
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims
Helen asks…hi i claim industrial injury benefits for a works accident. Do i have to pay this back?I'm currently under going a no win no fee claim against my old employer for compensation. Is the industrial injuries benefit payed for life or just a short term thing? And also if i win my compensation claim do i have to pay back money already paid to me?admin answers:Are you afraid to ask your lawyer? She has the actual facts and background that would allow her to answer your question. We
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Accident
Helen asks…what is a reasonable compensation claim for an pain and suffering incurred from a car accident?I was hit by a guy running a red light and wasn't seriously injured but expect to be very sore for a couple of weeks. I am an actor and under contract to perform a live show, so taking time off is not an option- it would end my career in this town, so I have to work in pain. Also, I am unable to use painkillers or muscle relaxers due to a history with drug abuse, so the pain is full on.
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury
Mark asks…What is the time limit for claiming personal injury compensation in the UK?Is it 3 years?admin answers:Yes,in actions for damages for personal injury, a claim must be brought within three years. This starts to run either from the date on which the injury occurred, or from the date on which the person injured first had knowledge of the injury. (The date of knowledge is the first date on which the claimant has knowledge). And the limitation period does not effectively start until
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Your Questions About Accident Claim Uk
Mary asks…Insurance Claim when its not my fault ! How do I claim ? ( UK)?Hi All,
I have just been hit by a police car by accident, I have spoken to them and they have prodived my with the details of thier insurers etc.
Here are my questions ?
Is it true that I can just report it to my insurer and ny insurer will chase up with the other parties insurers ?
Also, although the damage isnt much, It would proobabl cost around a quater of the cost of the car to repair it ?
I would like to know
I have just been hit by a police car by accident, I have spoken to them and they have prodived my with the details of thier insurers etc.
Here are my questions ?
Is it true that I can just report it to my insurer and ny insurer will chase up with the other parties insurers ?
Also, although the damage isnt much, It would proobabl cost around a quater of the cost of the car to repair it ?
I would like to know
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer Fees
Jenny asks…Need advice on suing a real estate attorney?To make a long (LONG) story very short: We entered into a rent to own program through a real estate attorney. We put down a considerable down payment (10k) to keep our monthly rental payments low, were promised in the contract that that money would go toward the down payment when we purchased the house. We were also given $7,000 off the price of the house for repairs we made before we moved in.
Through the course of living here, we found
Through the course of living here, we found
Monday, 17 October 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claims Process
Laura asks…Can a personal Injury Lawyer get the info about a person's auto policy amount after an accident?I was in an auto accident and hired a lawyer to represent me. The insurance companies are (mine & the other motorist) are investgating in order to determine who is at fault... Meanwhile, I'm asking my attorney to see if the other motorist has full coverage, liability, etc... so I can have an idea as to how things are going to play themselves out in regards to my medical bills, and
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Insurance
Donald asks…What company/organisation is the best to contact for road traffic claims?I had an accident 3 months ago that was not my fault, though I was not injured. My insurance company provided me with their own solicitors who were s*** and did not help me. Please can someone advise me of a good company to use to put forward my problem to them. You see on the TV all the time about these free lawyers on a no win no fee compensation etc but the main ones seem to only deal with accidents that
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Form
Jenny asks…EBAY item lost in post and royal mail compensation claims?Hello =)
I have posted a couple of items on one same day. Every buyer receives the item except 2 buyers who open up a non-receipt item dispute on paypal. I am aware it is my own fault for not posting using recorded delivery however, I have posted using 1st class postage and Royal Mail are usually pretty reliable in delivering parcels.
I have compensated both buyers through paypal and the disputes has now been closed. What
I have posted a couple of items on one same day. Every buyer receives the item except 2 buyers who open up a non-receipt item dispute on paypal. I am aware it is my own fault for not posting using recorded delivery however, I have posted using 1st class postage and Royal Mail are usually pretty reliable in delivering parcels.
I have compensated both buyers through paypal and the disputes has now been closed. What
Your Questions About How To Make A Claim For Personal Injury
Mark asks…Where can I find legal counsel if I have no money?I was hit by a well-known national delivery company vehicle while riding my bicycle. Firms that "don't get paid until I get paid" are not interested because severity and extent of injury was not bad enough to make alot of money. Driver of vehicle was in wrong. How do I find legal help without any money? I want my bike replaced and personal loss and damages. The company that handles claims for the insurance company of the
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Your Questions About Accident At Work Claim Uk
Daniel asks…Why Would He Not Say Farewell at the Age of 43?i dont use chatline to fall in love and tell men online i am not intersted as i dont like the risks of long distance love and believe in a fulfilling relationship offline, however in march this year a UK london litigation lawyer IM me in yahoo to inform me he was looking online as the women in london were materialistic he is 43 claimed to be single wife died with unborn child in car accident 4 years ago. We really hit it off and
Your Questions About Personal Injury Lawyer
James asks…Why are there so many personal injury lawyer advertisements in the state of Flroida?Seriously, there is probably 100x more in Florida than any other state I've ever visited. I am guessing that the state is either plaintiff friendly or the laws are more lax concerning attorney advertisements. Thanks.admin answers:Only some states allow personal injury lawyers to advertise, Florida is one of those. 100x is a gross exaggeration. It's all about competition. The more lawyers who
Friday, 14 October 2011
Your Questions About Personal Injury Claim
Steven asks…i have been summoned to court over a personal injury claim, but this is the first im hearing anything?i have been summons to court over a personal injury claim from an incident from 5 months ago. the police never turned up and i received threats from the other party there was a following incident where i had my windows smashed in with my 6 month old son in the car. which was reported to the police, but nothing has come of it. how can this man take me to court. how does the system
Your Questions About No Win No Fee Claims Solicitors
William asks…are there any civil law solicitors out there (uk) thats willing to take on a defamation claim?i need this to be done a no win no fee basis, hse will supply paperwork to prove there is a 100% claim.admin answers:What do you mean by a 100% claim, do you mean you think you have a very good chance of winning. If so why are you asking here you could go into any solicitors office in your town and they would take it on. As for the no win no fee.
I don't think that would run. Because if
I don't think that would run. Because if
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Your Questions About Claim For Compensation Expenses
Susan asks…My claim for Workers Compensation's still open.Should I hire a lawyer for a better compensation+get some cash?I suffered a head injury with bleeding and even a seizure while at work. Since I was unconscious in the E/R my employer did file the claim then when I a bit stable I have the claim # already the next week.
Before I got the claim # I was always afraid of all medical expenses billed to me even though I knew that this is a work-related injuries. And this led me to some
Before I got the claim # I was always afraid of all medical expenses billed to me even though I knew that this is a work-related injuries. And this led me to some
Your Questions About Claim For Personal Injury Against Me
Maria asks…personal injury claim!?i brought a car from a garage but it kept breaking down id threatened to contact trading standers so they took my car off me to repair free of charge. they offered me a courtesy car and as i couldn't get insurance on it as i was only 18 they said they'd insure me as a gesture of good will (turns out they didn't)
i was at a roundabout in the car when a small corsa rolled back slightly and just touched the my car then drove off with the Tyre's screeching and
i was at a roundabout in the car when a small corsa rolled back slightly and just touched the my car then drove off with the Tyre's screeching and
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Your Questions About Accident At Work Claim Uk
David asks…Had a car crash yesterday - question about compensation?We were stationary and the driver plowed into us at 45-50mph. He has admitted full liability with the insurance. However, my back is aching badly and partners shoulders and neck is hurting. My three yr old is not sleeping and keeps talking and worrying about it and us although (thank god) she was not injured. My question is about compensation. Can I claim it for myself and my daughter? My partner can sort himself out but im
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